Thursday, October 21, 2010

After 2 years...

I am finally posting, can you believe it?!!  A lot has happened in the last two years obviously so I think I will recap what has happened this summer and continue posting to stay updated.  I forgot how much I love blogging, just have a hard time finding time.  Does it ever slow down though?  I feel like I never have enough time in the day even if I start my days out at 5 am.  My kids are getting so big so fast.  I have so many things to say about them but to sum it up I am so lucky to be their mom! 

We went to Cancun in May with Justin and Ashlee and found out that I will finally be an Aunt!!!!  We had a blast!

 Peyton had the opportunity to feed a baby sea turtle!!  He still talks about it...
 Peyton and I swam with a dolphin.  It was so neat!! 

Peyton turned 4 in June! Can you believe it?!
 All of the kids with their tails and scary faces!
The cake that took Zack and I hours!!
I ran the Ragnar - Wasatch Back from Logan to Park City with my neighbor and sis Ashlee...

We celebrated my mom's 50th and Savannah's birthdays in Jackson Hole...
We went to DISNEYLAND!!!

We managed to go camping/boating a couple of times. My Dad and Mom took the kids fishing for their first time and Peyton caught about 15 fish (with help from Papa and Dad of course!) He took the easy way out and learned at a fish farm.

How is that for an update?!  I promise to keep you posted more.  Thanks for reading!


Fae said...

I was beginning to wonder if you were still out there somewhere...I love all the photos! Your kids are adorable. I love the update.

Heidi said...

Thanks Fae!! I am still working on the main screen photos. Check back later! I miss you.

Preston and Schonie said...

Way cute!!!