Sunday, February 1, 2009

So big!

We had pictures done just recently for Savannah and Peyton. Savannah is 7 months in 2 days, I can't believe it! Peyton is getting so big. Everyday is such an adventure with him. He can practically say anything. All of the words that come out of his mouth just crack me up. Yesterday he rode home with Zack and was behind me. He said "Daddy pass Mom", Zack said "What?" He said "Pass Mom I want to beat her." He couldn't help but laugh and of course passed me. When we got home Peyton was jumping and said "I beat you Mom!" I am having so much fun with my kids. I am so lucky to have such wonderful kids. Savannah is getting so big herself. She can sit up, rollover, eats baby food, laughs and coos, smiles and just keeps getting cuter! She is definitely a mamma's girl. I am completely OK with that! :) I enjoy every minute of every day with my kids.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


We had such a great Christmas! It was so fun this year with Peyton being a little bit older. He still didn't quite grasp Santa but LOVED the presents!

December 2008

What a fun, busy and crazy month. It always starts out with all of the Christmas shopping, parties and galore. We also have Zack's birthday that falls on the 21st. I always try to make his day special for him since it is kind of hard because it is so close to Christmas. He turned 30 this year so I tried to make it a bang. To start the morning out we got up and I was making brunch for his family. About 9:30 my dad called (all excited) he wanted to talk to Zack. I put him on the phone and Zack comes out of the bedroom and says "do you know why I am supposed to go outside?" I said "No, why?" He went out the front door and yells "Heidi come and check this out" This is what I saw.... To all you ladies out there I know you are jealous!

Zack was so excited. My dad had Zack's Alaskan Grizzly mounted for him. What a Birthday present. I just want to say "Thank you" to my dad for everything he does for us. What a great Dad he is. Needless to say the rest of Zack's birthday was great. I just want to let him know how truly grateful I am for him. He is such a wonderful husband and father. I am so blessed to have him in my life. I am one lucky girl! I love you sweetie!