Saturday, January 24, 2009


We had such a great Christmas! It was so fun this year with Peyton being a little bit older. He still didn't quite grasp Santa but LOVED the presents!

December 2008

What a fun, busy and crazy month. It always starts out with all of the Christmas shopping, parties and galore. We also have Zack's birthday that falls on the 21st. I always try to make his day special for him since it is kind of hard because it is so close to Christmas. He turned 30 this year so I tried to make it a bang. To start the morning out we got up and I was making brunch for his family. About 9:30 my dad called (all excited) he wanted to talk to Zack. I put him on the phone and Zack comes out of the bedroom and says "do you know why I am supposed to go outside?" I said "No, why?" He went out the front door and yells "Heidi come and check this out" This is what I saw.... To all you ladies out there I know you are jealous!

Zack was so excited. My dad had Zack's Alaskan Grizzly mounted for him. What a Birthday present. I just want to say "Thank you" to my dad for everything he does for us. What a great Dad he is. Needless to say the rest of Zack's birthday was great. I just want to let him know how truly grateful I am for him. He is such a wonderful husband and father. I am so blessed to have him in my life. I am one lucky girl! I love you sweetie!