Sunday, November 2, 2008

The things he says...

So last Wednesday night at about 9:30 p.m. Peyton came up to me and had a hilarious conversation...
P: Mom, do you have any money?
Me: What?
P: Do you have any money?
Me: No I don't sweetie, ask your dad.
P: Dad, do you have any money?
Zack: How much do you need?
P: Ummm four.
Zack: Four
P: Yeah!
Zack: Let me see what I have
P: Ok
Zack: Ok buddy I have your money but I only have three.
P: Ok
A little bit of time passes
P: Mom, I go to the store and buy candy.
Me: Oh really that is what you are going to do with your money?
P: Yeah, I go to the store and buy candy now.
Me: I promise you I will take you to the store tomorrow buddy.
P: No. (Throws a little fit and walks away, comes back a few minutes later)
P: Mom, do you have your keys?
Me: What do you need my keys for?
P: I go to the store and buy candy and Roxie (our dog) coming!
Zack: You are going to go to the store with Roxie and get candy!
P: Yeah, bye!!
I have never laughed so hard in my life. How does a two year old know all of that? I got him to go to bed and put his money in his drawer and told him I would take him to the store in the morning. Well the next day came and I thought he would have forgotten, nope. We ate breakfast and right after, I go to the store and buy candy! I couldn't tell him no so we got in the car and went to the gas station. Out of all the candy he chose mini m&m's. Little stinker!!

October activities

We were able to do some fun things this last month. Peyton is at such a fun age now. He actually gets into things. My mom, Sheena and I took Peyton and Savannah to Thanksgiving Point one night and then went and picked pumpkins that next day. I love having fun things to do. I am always looking for ideas.